Sain joulukuussa Fairy Wishing Wellin 10. sivun valmiiksi. Olen pistellyt työtä eteenpäin sen jälkeen, mutta ajattelin kuitenkin näyttää täällä kuvan 10 sivusta nyt ja ajantasalla olevan edistyskuvan sitten parin viikon päästä kuukausiraportin yhteydessä. Palataan siis asiaan silloin, kuulemiin!
♥ ♥ ♥
Oops, it's been over 6 months since my last update! Somehow, I always lose my stitchy bug during summer - could be because of the heat that makes me sweat just sitting on the sofa doing nothing - and every time it takes a while for it to come back. This time, it took about 5-ish months. And then I just didn't feel like updating my blog even though stitching was back on the list of my daily - or at least weekly - activities...
In December, I finished page 10 of Fairy Wishing Well. I have done more since then, but I decided to show the picture of those 10 pages now and leave the posting of an up-to-date progress pic till I post my monthly progress report in a couple of weeks. See you then, bye and happy stitching!